Friday, February 28, 2025

Truckload of Veg with Secret Sauce

Sheet-pan Veggie Shawarma (variation)
So good!

Last Friday (Feb 21st) I actually remembered about a recipe I saw via Suzanne’s blog at Life of a Doctor’s Wife.  And Friday was the day I went shopping, and got some ingredients - a bag of fresh cauliflower, 6 Brussels sprouts (in honor of Europe), and mushrooms (in honor of Pennsylvania).  And then decided that was enough fresh veg for the two of us.  

On Monday I remembered that I had remembered the recipe and the shopping.  At 4:30 PM I got myself up off my butt and cooked the recipe.  Or my version of it.  As I started assembling the ingredients - cauliflower, sweet onion (I didn’t have a red onion, which is purple), mushrooms – it was looking like the result would have an overwhelming white and boring hue. 

I scrounged around in the fridge and found an orange bell pepper of unknown provenance and age, but it looked okay.  And rediscovered the Brussels sprouts buried under the veggies that the Common Household Husband uses in his breakfast every day.  Boom!  Color!  I added frozen shrimp, which turned pink when cooked.

Slightly more pizzazz here

It took me FIVE MINUTES to find the cumin. Just when I had pushed my existential angst away for the day, it came rushing back as I searched in spice-panic mode.  This reveals how long it has been since I cooked anything interesting.  The cumin was pushed back in the corner, with the label to the wall.  This was a wrong to be righted!  Cumin is one of the best spices.  I didn’t bother with the turmeric (don’t like it), coriander (mine is so old), or paprika (don’t have it).  

Truckload of raw veg
with raw frozen shrimp.

And, as luck would have it, we had all the ingredients for the secret sauce.  Be sure to make the secret sauce, O Best Beloved!  Tahini, lemon juice, and maple syrup.  Oh, yes.  OH, YES.

I told my husband I had made Truckload of Veggies Avec Shrimp.  The actual recipe title is Sheet Pan Veggie Shawarma with Lemon Tahini Dressing

I reeeeeally liked it.  It was relatively easy to make.  And the CHH liked it.  A keeper.

Bonus photo: cocktail design by a friend
at an event I attended.
Please click to embiggen and
read the description.

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