Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Noticing Nature

I am attempting a daily discipline - each day I try to notice one thing in nature.

Thursday: The brisk biting wind I felt as I went to get the mail made me grateful for shelter.

Friday: There was an utterly eerie fog over the snow-covered winter fields, as I drove north to church retreat.

Saturday: Beautiful crescent moon and bright planet in a clear night sky (unusual for these parts).

Sunday:  I can’t remember if I noticed anything. I was driving back from the retreat, and then thrown into the maelstrom of $#i! brought on by all you people who voted for Your Lord the Orange One.

Monday:  I stuck my head out the back door and listened. I heard four different birds chirping. 

Tuesday: The sun was shining brightly as we drove over the Fort Pitt Bridge on our way to the US Senator’s office for what ended up to be a 3-minute meeting with the Senator’s staffer.

Wednesday:  The only thing I noticed today was that there are branches down all over our yard.  But I did manage to get the oil changed, buy Peach Schnapps, and replenish the larder.  Eggs are expensive.

Ironically, I have no photos for this post. I am too tired to find any.


Life of a Doctor's Wife said...

This is a beautiful practice! I love your observations.

Elisabeth said...

I love how something negative (like a bitterly cold wind) can bring in to sharp relief the joy of shelter. I felt like that this week, too. We've been going through an unusually cold period and I am beyond grateful we can afford fuel and have a safe, warm home in which to live. It's heartbreaking to think of people who might be facing these elements unprepared.