Wednesday, June 2, 2021

History of These United States, the month of June, since 1900

 Selections from the Equal Justice Initiative History of Racial Injustice calendar.  I’ve chosen historical items from after 1900. 

From the month of June

June 1, 1921  (one hundred years ago)

White people attack prosperous Black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and burn it to the ground during two days of rioting that leaves up to 300 people dead.

June 2, 2011 (ten years ago)

Alabama legislature passes anti-immigrant law designed to force immigrants to flee the state; Governor Robert Bentley later signs it despite language that legalizes racial profiling.

(My understanding, after glancing at headlines, is that some parts of this law have since been annulled through court cases.)

June 9, 1963

Civil rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer and other civil rights activists are arrested on false charges in Winona, Mississippi, and severely beaten by police while in jail.

June 12, 1963 (3 days after the previously mentioned event)

NAACP field secretary and World War II veteran Medgar Evers is assassinated by a white supremacist in the driveway of his home in Jackson, Mississippi, in front of his wife and children.

June 14, 1973

Two young Black girls, 14-year-old Minnie and 12-year-old Mary Alice Relf, are sterilized at a health clinic in Montgomery, Alabama, without their knowledge or consent.

June 17, 1971

President Richard Nixon declares “War on Drugs,” contributing to 700% increase in U.S. prison population by 2007.

June 26, 1959

Prince Edward County, Virginia, avoids integration by closing public schools for years.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am loving the movement towards addressing drug offenses with therapy and treatment instead of jail and prison time. It's a more compassionate way and more economically responsible way to execute justice. What a reversal, eh?
Have you read Deacon King Kong by James McBride yet? Stellar work.
Seeing the headlines about the Tulsa Massacre and how it got so much attention was good this past month, a lot of eyes got opened with that coverage. Sometimes the local stories never made it past their boundaries back in the day, so awful things were easily concealed from a wider audience, especially when there wasn't a platform for people to communicate through in any kind of accessible way.