Friday, November 20, 2020

Thanksgiving Survey 2020: Animals

 It's time for the Common Household time-honored tradition of the

Thanksgiving survey

2020 Topic: Animals

1. The bird that we in the United States call “turkey” is not from Turkey - it is native to the North American continent.   If you could rename the creature we call ‘turkey’, what more appropriate name would you give to this bird?

2.  Name an animal that you are thankful for, and the reason for your gratitude.

Bonus:  What is the turkey thankful for on Thanksgiving?

Please participate by giving your answers in the comments.  Happy Thanksgiving Preparation Week!

The topic of animals seems appropriate, because 2020 has been mostly a beastly year.

The first question arises from a dinner discussion we had recently.  The North American turkey is native to our continent, so why is it named after a country on another continent?    The name of this creature is all over the place, literally.  In French it is dinde, which means “from India”.  But in Hindi (a language of India) it is called… tarki.   In Portuguese, it is peru.  It seems like no language has gotten the name of this bird right.

The famed Common Household turkey pillow.

One form of a vegetarian turkey.

Not a turkey, but resembles one in certain ways. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'd name it "Plated Bird" because its feathers are like armor.
I'm thankful for sea otters because watching them gives a particular pleasure. They're so playful and friendly looking.
I bet turkeys wish they could fly longer than they do.

Did you know turkeys roost high up in trees? Like 40 feet or more? When they come down it sounds like crashing through the branches, they're heavy and it's not graceful. I've observed this in our woods, the first time it scared me half to death until I figured out what was causing such a ruckus!