Sunday, June 30, 2019

A historical dinner moment

Me, attempting to engender dinner conversation that does not include gross scientific stuff: 
What do you think are the five most important moments in history in the past 100 years?

Younger Daughter:
World War I, and World War II.  Was the telephone invented in the past 100 years? 

Me:  I’m pretty sure that was invented before 1919.

YD:  Okay, then, the invention of the internet. The Great Depression, and the Counter-cultural movement of the 1960s.  That’s five.

The Common Household Husband:
The invention of frozen foods was very important.  The invention of air conditioning. Casual Fridays!  Theme parks.  And TV game shows.

Younger Daughter:  Dad, those are not moments in history!

Husband:  They changed my life.

Me:  My turn.  I think the internal combustion engine was invented before 1919.  The invention of antibiotics was very important.  The invention of reliable birth control.   The Holocaust.  The invention of robots – industrial robots.  Hmmm.  And the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The internet.  That’s for all five.  Can I go now?


Mrteb said...

Son should be required to wash the dishes for the next 100 years.

Dar Presto said...

I love being a fly on the wall in the common household. :)

Anonymous said...

Love how you're always pushing for better understanding!

Take Back Roads said...

This is an excellent question that I should pose to my own 16 year old daughter. Thanks for sharing!