Sunday, March 19, 2017

Morning Notes: Monday Morning Quiz

Some Monday Morning Quizzes from the 2017 series of Common Household Morning Notes

These are notes I leave for Younger Daughter to see before she heads off to the school bus in the pre-dawn hours.

Monday Morning Quiz
for Jan 9, 2017
1. I am going to fill in my answers to this Monday Morning Quiz
2. This morning for breakfast I ate:
a. eggs and toast
b. cereal
c. leftovers
d. other _______
Have a fun day learning!

Jan 23 
On this date in history
1957: toy company Wham-o produces first Frisbees.
1997: Madeline Albirght was sworn in as Secretary of State, after unanimous confirmation in the U.S. Senate.  She was America’s first female Secretary of State.

Have a Wham-O Day!

Feb 6, 2017
1. The winner of the Superbowl is
a. the Patriots
b. The Falcons
c. Do we care?
Have a super day!

Feb 13, 2017
1. There is no quiz this morning because
a) nobody interesting was born on Feb 13
b) nothing interesting happened on this date in history
c) Mom was too busy filling out the FAFSA

The only choice that wasn’t true was c.  It took me another two weeks to get it done.

Monday Morning Quiz for Feb 27
1. Who said,
“If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change.”
a. Albert Einstein
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Michael Jackson
d. Batman

Monday Morning Quiz for March 13 – Daylight Saving Time
Today we commemorate the fact that:
a. Daylight Saving Time should be abolished because it no longer serves any useful purpose.
b. It’s not Friday the 13th.
c. There will be a snowstorm tomorrow.
d.  Option c is ridiculous – how can you commemorate something that hasnt’ happened yet?
Love, your grumpy Mom

On March 14th, there was no big snowstorm, no day off from school, not even a 2-hour delay, and we still have to put up with Daylight Saving Time and a whole heck of a lot of other annoying and heartbreaking stuff.  Add to that the fact that winter decided to come two months too late, and it seemed that Common Household Mom was finding it hard to dig her way out of grumpiness.

But lo, There Is Hope! This weekend my two older children paid us a surprise visit!  I celebrated by baking Irish Soda Bread.  They celebrated by doing their laundry in my washing machine.

They have departed now, and tomorrow there will be another Monday morning, and with it, a quiz.  I face Monday with a lighter heart, in spite of everything.  Have  Wham-O Day, dear reader!


Alexia said...

Your notes/questionnaires are brilliant! The only ones I wrote said things like: "Don't forget your saxophone!!" or "Could someone please clean Muffy's litter box?" or "It's your turn to cook tomorrow night, (insert name here)...".

Wondering what FAFSA stands for - oh, ok, googled it.

Our summer came as late as your winter. Strange.

Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

I bet your quizzes are so appreciated, such a clever way to start your family's day. You remind me to slow down and make time for the little, special stuff.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

I love your quizzes! I bet your daughter loves them, too.
Thank you for being a mom who is still in bed (and hopefully asleep) when YD goes to school. I've been that mom (for YS) and sometimes I feel guilty about it.