Here's what you need to pack if you are chaperone for the band trip to Florida.
A travel pillow for the 18-hour bus ride.
A travel pillow that exhorts you to enjoy yourself is a
plus. When I saw this at Target, I knew it was the right one for me. |
Six school-bus yellow shirts, one for each sweaty
day of the trip. Hooray for the school colors! |
Six black shorts, capris, jeans.
I may be wrong in my assumption that I will be able
to wear a clean, dry set of clothes each day. But if I can,
I'm prepared to do so. |
Many, many pairs of socks.
I'm actually taking twice this many. |
I can almost hear my son's scoutmaster admonishing the scouts not to leave their feet in wet socks. The scoutmaster was an avid proponent of wool socks. I ain't wearing no wool socks in Florida, but I am taking enough socks so that I have more than one pair per day.
After agonizing over the space they would take up, I also decided to take a second pair of shoes. It is a travel rule of mine to always take at least two pairs of shoes, but space is very tight on this trip.
sun hats with brims for the skin-cancer prone chaperone |
I scored that hat on the left at Kohl's. It is a scrunchable, foldable hat with "moisture-wicking" (read sweat-sucking) properties AND a sunscreen rating of 50! Yessss!
Snacks. |
The cookies are so I can score points with the clientele by passing out Keebler fudge grahams at just the right moment. If I can find them, that is.
Herbal tea bags. |
It is a dream of mine that I will have the time and the hot water to drink tea while relaxing at the hotel. (I'll wait while you have a hearty laugh.) I've been practically living on herbal tea since two weeks ago.
Weather gear and other stuff |
The problem with this stuff is that it doesn't fit in my allotted suitcase space. I'm hoping they'll allow the band photographer a little leeway with luggage.
A day pack clearly identifying oneself as from the 'Burgh.
Burghers find each other all over the world. |
Nope. Not taking any of this stuff. And there better not be
any when I get back. |
I only have one pair of earplugs. That could be a mistake.
So many questions!
Are you expecting it to rain a lot? Or will you have wet feet from sweating?
Why have you been living on herbal tea for the last several weeks?
You are taking a bus to Florida? With a bunch of teens? I think you're going to need more than one pair of earplugs, and a stash of hard liquor!
Good luck --I'll be praying for your survival :-)
I have experienced many bus trips with teenagers. Like Cassi, I think you will need earplugs - at least 1 pair a day (the little critters get lost easily). Better still, a pair of those noise-cancelling headphones. AND paracetamol for the headache.
Good luck - have a wonderful time!
Andrew went to Florida with the band twice. I was never brave enough to go along. Have a great time!
18 hours! 6 days! You are a saint.
I agree with Heidi -- you are a saint! You are also a better woman than me.
May there be plenty of dry socks, happy feet, precious moments with hot tea, and a whole lotta fun. Additionally, may there be NO blisters or sunburn!
I hope it was fun and memorable and painless!
Oh, wow. Wow. I can't believe you did this. I hope all the parents that didn't go went in together to get you a lovely "Thank God it's not us" gift for your service.
I am CRAZY about keeping my feet dry. I pack massive amounts of socks when traveling, but also must always, always have an extra pair in my purse at all times. Just in case.
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