Monday, February 14, 2011

Israeli Cooking Night

This was a mother-daughter activity stemming from the Mothers Circle, a program of the Jewish Outreach Institute.  The Mothers Circle is a group of non-Jewish moms raising their children as Jews.  We met all last year, discussing the challenges of interfaith marriage and raising kids.  Last Sunday night, Oldest Daughter and I went to a cooking class which was taught by two young Israelis who are here as sort of ambassadors from Israel to Jewish communities in the U.S.  When I posted photos of our results on facebook, several people requested the recipes.  Here are a few.  More to come, when I get time.

My husband and I, before we had children, lived in New York City.  Sunday mornings we would go to church.  This was a sacrifice on my husband's part, that he, a nice Jewish boy, went to church with me.  After church, we would walk toward our apartment, getting to the corner with the felafel stand just as it opened. Church, followed by felafel in a pita with tehina sauce.  It doesn't get much more divine than that.  


Serves 4

½ cup chopped onion
juice of 2 lemons
2 garlic cloves
1 can drained garbanzo beans
1 tsp chopped parsley
¼ cup olive oil (plus 1 Tbsp for garnish)

Knife, chopping board, 1 cup measure, can opener, juicer, food processor, spatula, bowl

Chop onion.  Slice lemon in half and squeeze juice.  Place garlic, lemon juice, garbanzo beans, olive oil and onion into the food processor.  Puree until smooth.  Use spatula to remove Hummus from food processor.  Place in a bowl.  Season with salt and pepper.  Serve the hummus on a flat plate, swirl it a little with a spoon.  Add 1 tsp chopped parsley and 1 Tbsp of olive oil on top.

      Tehina Sauce

Serves 4

¾ cup tehina
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1/3 cup water

Bowl, can opener, teaspoon, 1 cup measure, juicer, spoon.

Place tehina, lemon juice and garlic powder in a bowl.  Mix until smooth.

Add the water, one tablespoon at a time, until sauce is thin enough to pour. 

Add salt and pepper.  Serve.  Use as a sauce for pita sandwiches.

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