Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just in Time for Halloween

Guest Post by Youngest Daughter - her own recipe for Witch's Brew.  Happy Halloween!

Witch’s Brew
By Youngest Daughter of the Common Household

What you need: 
a cauldron
an Israeli coffee pot 
3 hand presses of moss (shredded) 
1 ladleful of dirt 
3 coffeepots of tap water 
12 wet leaves (oak is the best) 
1 pinch of ground bark 
2 pinches of pencil shavings 
2 coffeepots of secrets ingredient 
1 large stick (not over 1 ½ ft. long)

What to do: Line the bottom of your cauldron by sprinkling it with the moss. Add the tap water.

Add the rest of your ingredients in the order above, except for the pencil shavings, secrets ingredient, and the large stick. Add the pencil shavings slowly, sprinkling each pinch around the top of your brew.

Add one coffee of the secrets ingredient, say your magical words, and add the other coffee.

Stir slowly with your large stick counter-clockwise 10 times. Stir clockwise 7 times. Allow your brew to sit for 20 seconds, then rest your stick against the cauldron in a 6:00 position.

Immediately clear away the rest of your things, and leave your brew to stew under a maple tree. The next day, your brew should have stewed long enough for it to be done. Add more water at this time if necessary.

DO NOT EAT UNLESS YOU ARE A WITCH! If you are a witch, serve cold.

Word of advice: Sitting water is better than tap water, because it has had more time to collect magic. However, if your mom won’t let you get sitting water for your brew, like mine, then you can just use tap water like in the instructions.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...if that won't make you cast a spell, I don't know what would!

Cassi said...

Hmmm . . . I'll have to see if I can find any of those coffees of secrets ingredient. I bet they'd be useful for all kinds of recipes :-)